Saturday, August 27, 2011

So I was in class the other day and my professor asked if anyone knew of any human that lived to be centuries old.  As a precursor, he added, “not speaking religiously, but scientifically.” 

Thinking of the religious background from which I’ve built my morals and values around since birth, I began to think of some of the biblical figures of whose age awed me growing up.  The very first of course was Methuselah – the Bible’s oldest mention of a person’s age at 969 years.  In Genesis 5 we can read about others who aged similarly such as Noah, who lived to see 950 years of age.  

These facts are amazing; they’re almost too difficult to fathom.  IF I anticipated longevity of this magnitude I would LIVE IT UP.  This idiom is defined: “to have an exciting time; to do what one pleases—regardless of cost—to please oneself.”

Almost instantaneously, my thoughts of awe transitioned to thoughts of concern.  What does it say about the state/amount of sin in our world today when we have people dying at early ages?  The Bible tells us: 
Romans 6:23 (KJV)
 23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God’s promises are true.  That means there are costly repercussions for sin – DEATH (nigga DEATH? - DEATH!!) However, alongside that promise is the one of hope and fulfillment.  God promises everlasting life through Him – we just have to believe in and accept Jesus Christ as His son.  

How’s that for a cost of living?  Hebrews 13:8 declares God, as the same yesterday, today, and forever.  The same requirements/promises that allowed Methuselah and Noah to age are the same that hold true to us.  I’m trying to age something like that.  This was a friendly reminder to think about those pestilent temptations that could easily lead to sins (Hebrews 12:1).  But who am I to say … Go ahead. LIVE IT UP.

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