A lot of things have been getting to me lately - as far as my expectations of people are concerned. I have had to find out the hard way that many people don't have the same standards/values/morals that I have set in place for myself. So I often find myself questioning various actions from different people. It baffles me how people treat others any type way, say and do WHATEVER they please, act as if nothing has repercussions or consequences - and can sleep at night. Even more troubling, I admit is that I get frustrated and question the possibility of how far acting in a similar manner would get me.
I have found a scripture that gives me motivation to remain positive. The next time you are faced with a decision as to how you are going to act based on how others who may have/may not have been in the same situation, remember:
Galatians 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
Don't let your actions be predicated on what others are doing. Post up - with your own swagg. Keep doing you. You will be rewarded for staying true.
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